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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 00:25

Do you know why Bush won? He won because he is a real person. Everyone could see him for who he was, including all his flaws. John Kerry is as phony as a boy-toy pop band, just as he has been all his life. He has spent his entire life trying to create himself into the image of other people. As a result there is no John Kerry the man, just John Kerry the pollititian. You see it every time his face shows up on television, the photo opps. There is John Kerry the wind surfer, John Kerry the snow boarder, John Kerry the biker, the runner, the hunter, the sporting clays enthusiast, and so on ad-nauseum. Come on, real people only do one or two things for activities and enjoyment: Bush bikes and jogs, Clinton jogged, Bush 41 hunted, Reagan rode horses, Carter did self-flaggellation, Ford liked to fall down, Nixon drank, LBJ liked to play general, and Kennedy self-medicated and indulged in recreational sex. Kerry always wore that stupid Carhart jacket (the one with the black collar, made of tan duck) while campaigning as if people would actually believe that he had walked into a Farm and Fleet or a feed supply store and bought it off the rack. Real men (farmers, ranchers, hunters, loggers, trappers, garbage men, etc,) wear carharts to work in outdoors. They always take them off before they go to town or to church because they are dirty and not fashionable in any way , shape , or form. My carharts are stained and torn with shiny elbows and dark stained rings around the sleeves. The impression Kerry gave with it would be the same one George Bush would have made if he had popped a yamaluka onto his head everytime he got off the plane.
Real men wear carharts. Real men don’t drop their wives into insane asylums and divorce them. Real men don’t abandon their troops in a combat zone a third of the way through their tour of duty just because they can. Real men dont have to pretend they speak french (I heard Kerry addressing Haitians in Florida). Real men dont get $1200 hair cuts. John Kerry is only the image of a man, created for television and nothing else, and, just like a beer commercial, he can only hold your attention for 30 seconds, but it is only the image that they are trying to sell so that can be effective.

You don’t know anyone who voted for Bush? Surely someone in the congregation of your church voted for him. Oh, you dont belong to a church? Most Americans do.

How do the people in red states differ from the blue states? It is pretty obvious to the red staters but the blues wouldn’t notice these things in a million years. The red staters are much more likely to own property than the blues. The red states also have concealed-carry laws and shall-issue laws. Except for Pennsylvania(where the outcome was closer than in Ohio), none of the blue states do. Blues probably have no clue what these laws mean.