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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 00:50

First off, stop complaining. Just because your candidate lost, you have to cry about it. Well, I can understand that, but stop. Denial about how bad Bush is? Sorry, but you’re in denial about the facts behind Kerry, and how bad HE really is. You’re the type of person to believe everything you hear on the TV and News. Just in case you never knew, the Television is extremely biased. You need to listen to more news sources, and have a greater knowledge of politics. I’ve been around politics since a very young age, so I can safely say I have as much experience as some candidates who run for Congress and such. I guess you missed the story about how Kerry almost killed his Limo driver and everyone in it. The driver was doing 60 in a 55, and Kerry told him to hurry up. When he said he couldn’t, because he was already going above the limit, Kerry reached over and stomped his foot down on top of the driver’s and he ended up flooring it, and they almost crashed. I guess you don’t realize that Kerry constantly changes his mind, and how will he ever keep an alliance with a foreign country, if they question his word. What if he was president when we went into Iraq? He voted for the support funds, before he voted against it. Well, what if we had invaded with him, and then a few months later, he had another "awakening", and said "I’m sorry we invaded Iraq, it was a mistake". Wow, that’d go real great with the soldiers who died over there. How about his Purple Hearts. The News didn’t even report half of the story. a Member of my family is a retired United States Navy Captain. The story about Kerry faking his wounds for the 3 Purple Hearts, so he could ditch his buddies in Vietnam early, well that was widely known amongst many in the Navy long before the ads aired on Television. But I guess you don’t believe in investigating that, or asking around. I also guess you don’t believe in Honor, and backing your friends then. If you have any piece of an opened mind, you wouldn’t believe the news as if it’s part of your religion. It’s very sad to say that nearly half the country is that way right now. Very closed minded, and blinded by the Media, like a smoke screen. I guess you also never heard about the poll Kerry fielded after the latest airing of the Osama Bin Laden tape, regarding the election as being in our hands. He held a poll, and asked people, what his response should be, and he responded in the exact same manner. Now if that isn’t pathetic for someone who is supposed to lead us, then what is. Regardless of whether or not you like Bush, as least give him the respect for standing up for what he believes in, and never backing down, despite some people’s opposition. That takes some serious courage, and if you don’t think so, then try doing it. As for the war in Iraq, most of the TV images of people protesting us there, is a VERY small percentage. Those are the ones who benefited from Saddam, which is not too many. Many of my friends went over there, and even they said the Media over here has it twisted. The majority of people over there were so excited to see us there, they literally went bouncing around the streets. Even this past summer, they still felt the same way. As for the war being pointless, we got rid of Saddam. The WMD’s, even Tommy Franks, the Commanding General, said he can’t believe how fast Americans "jumped off the ramp" the minute they heard that we didn’t find them. If you want proof, let me know, I have a picture of a Mig Fighter Jet buried in the Iraqi Desert, under 10 feet of sand. It was right under our noses, and we didn’t uncover it, by chance, until this past year. A Jet... A Missile or Warhead containing a Biological, Chemical, or Nuclear agent, is by far, not even close to the size of the Cockpit of the jet, let alone the entire plane. Just think of the possibilites. I guarantee you though, that you never saw that on your Nightly News. You also have no ideals of Military Strategy, because what we are doing in Iraq, is Military genius. I would go into the details, but terroists read the internet too, and Im not willing to broadcast the strategy. I am not telling you, what is right or wrong, but what I am saying is, open up your mind, and look into what I have just told you.