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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 00:53

America safer thanks to Bush = Bullshit:
"You Republicans will find out soon enough, as our manufacturing base continues to move overseas. You can’t convert warehouses to making weapons of defense in war time, and Rosie the Riveter’s grandaughter isn’t going to build tanks, planes, or ships by moving fork-lifted pallets of goods produced by impoverished nearly-indentured Chinese nationals around between four otherwise empty walls. Nor can you invent a new atom bomb solution when all your research facilities and technologically sophisticated jobs have been outsourced to India and other points free of fascism. I hope the rest of the world will remember that first paragraph when they "liberate" the US after four more years of the same stupidity the last four have shown. He’s even allowing outsourcing of spare part manufacturing for those precious planes and missiles and tanks, I bet. Think a country that has just declared war on you will continue to ship you spares? National security? Bush is an utter disaster for national security. Especially in the face of having next to no negotiating skills, nor the ears to listen to the least amount of reason." = the real truth. The rich are going to all move to China where they can hire serfs at $.30/hour with no health care at all while they let everyone here get rolled over as people around the world take it out on the "idiots that ’voted’ these M.F’s into office."