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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 00:59

It’s a dark day in America for sure as we’ve officially seen the end of democracy and the welcoming of Neo-Fascism in the USA. People would do well to read up on Mussolini’s rise to power and also his views on the role of government. Damn, when will people wake up and see that they are signing the contract? All three branches are controlled by one party and more wars are sure to come. Whatever restraint that was there before is sure to be gone now that Chaney & Co. have the blessing of the American people. Will we meet the fate of Italy, Japan, and Germany in the 1940s when other nations finally decide they’ve had enough? Sadly, I think most Americans don’t see where this is headed and will not until it’s too late. It’s truly a tragic day...the America we once knew is now gone.