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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 01:28

So you can hardly believe that the republicans who lobbied for touch screen voting without paper trails for verification would possibly steal the election ? if you can’t even look at the possibility , then i have some enron stock just for you - cheap. All the stats u just said about my country - canada - where did these come from? most are simply false.

And you say that the U.S. is still the best place to live borders on the delusional. Is it because half the country hates the other half ,your predijudices against every minority, your gun toting ways, your imperialism, or your fascism ? Guess what, the whole world is now watching you and doesn’t like what’s going on one little bit. You guys sell everybody weapons (like Saddam in the 80’s) and then act surprised when they use them back on you. Want to know why Bush was so sure that Saddam had WMD’s? It’s because he had the receipt for them (from George Sr. , remember him).

If you think you are safer now with Bush back in, think again. There are millions MORE people lining up to take the places of any killed "terrorists" out there every day. Every time one is dead , two or more will replace them. People are fed up with being bombed ("liberated" -according to your govenment - and the citizens that parrot them) by your "great" country. Remember what happened to the Russians when they tried the same thing you are today , (except it was Afghanistan) and look what happened to them. The terrorists are bleeding your country to death economically. The U.S. dollar is worth just over 75% of the Euro today . Just four years ago before butthead ’s brother stole the election for him the U.S. dollar was worth 103% of the Euro. Imagine what it will be in 2008 . Also there is now a worldwide boycott on american products and I can’t says that I blame them one little bit.

I have 2 simple solutions for your country - STOP BOMBING EVERYBODY and - STOP SELLING EVERYBODY WEAPONS. Maybe, just maybe this would start to heal this wound that is so huge but I doubt it.

You ask the previous messager where will they go. Let me just say on behalf of Canada - come on down - there is lots of room for people who work together, are open to new ideas, progressive thinking, progressive rights for ALL(not just the wealthy), and generally open minded ,tolerant, and patient . But if you’re an imperialist who loves religion , wars on drugs and "terrorists", and lassiz faire capitalism with no oversight (another enron anyone), hates reading and understanding how things really work in this complicated world of ours ,and you think like or are like Bush , then you should probably stay right there (even though we would still welcome you because we understand that other people have different views from ours and we respect every opinion)

I would also like to say that I wouldn’t let Bush be president of a hot dog stand , let alone president of the most powerful nation that has probably ever existed (which as I type this in is changing from all your bleeding in !raq presently and all the bleeding to come in the very near future - when i say bleeding - i mean economically).

What is wrong with you people? I had always looked up to America until Bush took over and forced me to do some serious reading on your country and its foreign policy for the last 50 years. Your CIA has taken over the Government

Be afraid , be very afraid. Payback is coming.