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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 03:17

I think we must all look into what the big picture here really is. It appears that the world peaked in oil production in late 2001 and early 2002. Literally, the problem of worldwide peak of oil production (PEAK) will effect everybody in the world and change civilization as we know it.... So as much as I agree with the majority of people I know that it looks like the fix was in on this election and yes they stole it. Nor have I ever liked this administration or their lies. But if this administration could get their act together concerning our war machine they would most likely be revered 10 to 15 years down the line, for softening the blow and effects of PEAK. Unfortunately They are failing and I fear we could be feeling the effects within the next 4 years.. If you dont know what PEAK OIL means look it up... IT WILL MAKE YOU RETHINK EVERTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR FUTURE especially for the younger people. Anyway look it up. AND PLEASE ENJOY LIFE EVERY SECOND never take what you have for granted cause if we did PEAK in the early 2000’s
then we have an even grimmer future to be frightened of than the one presented by these flub-ups in washington.