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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 04:10

(RE: I can hardly beleive...) Where on earth did you get those stats on Canadian health care!?!? To more closely reflect reality, you may want to cut those #s by at least 2/3rds , which is still not very good, but it beats crazy insurance premiums and 4 or 5+ figure medical bills. As for the unemployment rate, tell me this, are people on disability NOT unemployed? are people who have exhausted their unemployment insurance benefits and/or have given up searching for jobs NOT unemployed? are people on welfare NOT unemployed? Shouldn’t these people be considered unemployed? Well they ARE in Canada (and the rest of the world), they are NOT in the US. Unemployment rates in the US are based on the number of people who are registered to claim unemployment benefits and are actively searching for work, totally ignoring people in the aforementioned situations. Can you say "Cooking the Books"? In reality, which you don’t seem to be living in, our two nations unemployment % rates are almost identical, with the US having maybe a 0.1% - 0.2% edge. Here’s another book-cooking example that’s related, high US job creation numbers forget to mention that %80 of the "New Jobs" created are temporary or part-time, accepted by people out of desperation. These "new jobs" are put in the same pile as real full-time jobs, artificially lowering unemployment #s... I will also refrain from discussing how much taxes we pay. I welcome any American who comes to Canada to get away from that criminal lunatic bobblehead... humm, George W. Bush Bobbleheads... there’s an idea that could create a lot of full time jobs in the US, oops too late!, the US company who makes them is outsourcing in China...