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> George Bush won the popular vote- and pigs are flying

5 November 2004, 20:29

Where you guys are loons is in your belief that Kerry would have behaved any differently as president than Bush. You think the right-wing conspiracy is so vast that they have to cheat when votes are counted, that they have to nickel and dime the voting machines? Why cheat? How much easier is it to disguise themselves as opponents of the right wing? Why not buy billionaires and dress them up as champions of the underclass? Why not buy the boy-whore of the ketchup tycooness? Why not hire John Kerry or Good Old Boy Bill Clinton to pretend to be other than they are? And they are, get over it, Republicans. If the conspiracy is as big as you say, we’re screwed. Might as well light the bong and live well, bro. You are working up an ulcer over something that you cannot control.

Everett, WA