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> Presidential Votes Miscast on E-Voting Machines Across the Country

8 November 2004, 17:44

Grundy County Tennessee going for Kerry is a beautiful thing and something to be paid attention to. Something happened there that is very very important to the future of the Democratic party. Howard Dean understood that this segment of the population (southern poor whites) deserved to be included in the dialogue of the campaign. He caught alot of heck for mentioning that. Clearly a sore subject. Respect to Dean for going there in the face of the knee jerk hostility made so clear by some of these responses. Also, I think that these "hillbilly rednecks" are probably quite aware of where Iraq is considering that is the poorer classes of America that have their flesh and blood over there fighting this stupid, tragic, horrific war. They probably know street names in Iraq by this point. Anyway, a majority in this poor white southern county realized that the Republicans do not have their backs. They saw through the Rovian spin. Why? How? What happened here that did not happen in so many other American counties? Isn’t it worth finding out instead of just writing them all off as " confederate SOBs?" They didn’t spit on the Democrats that were obviously busy at work reaching out in their county. Hate succeeds? I guess that depends on how you define "success."