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Why kerry didn’t fight

5 November 2004, 21:21

If Kerry really wanted to fight for us, this was the moment to prove it- all sorts of irregularities combined with Republican goons intimidating voters in poor neighborhoods left the door wide open for a challenge. He could have proven himself worthy of being President by fighting for the millions Bush has screwed over. Instead, he proved something else- that the ’conspiracy theorists’ were right all along- he was just part of the Skull and Bones NWO script.


Why was he scripted to lose? Because they need the right wing wackos behind Bush and the next war. If it were Kerry in the Whitehouse, he wouldn’t have the support of the ’Christian’ right wing and the Global Holy War the neocons are trying to start would lose it most fervent backers. They want to continue installing the police state with more government spying, checkpoints, random searches, national id cards- total big brother. But with the right wing hatred of Kerry, they couldn’t continue taking us down that path- that’s why it was predetermined for Bush to win.