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> Too many voting ’irregularities’ to be coincidence

7 November 2004, 02:45

I know in my heart that there can’t be this many Americans who would be dooped by karl Rove and co. I have absolutely no trust in the "democratic" process in its present state. I am also certain that the despair Kerry supporters feel about a Republican "win" is far greater than the despair Bush supporters would have felt with a Kerry win if it were possible. The country is now irrevocably divided. I am in favor of a class action lawsuit by Democrats against the Republican party for alleged votor fraud. I want all these irregularities to be investigated and if found to be true, we must call for the impeachment of W. I do not want to allow this moron and his cronies to control our lives for another four years unless they have actually won this election fairly and honestly. I’m certain this wasn’t the case.