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> Too many voting ’irregularities’ to be coincidence

7 November 2004, 08:35

If you’re so inclined to believe the exit poles, then how do you dispose of the inconvenient fact that ’moral values’ (not the economy or the war) was the dominant theme that voters cited to explain their selections in the voting booths? While President Clinton was embarrassing his party during the Monica scandal, I wrote to my (Democrat) congressman to express my disgust that his majestic office should be brought so low. He wrote back that President Clinton would recieve nothing less than his full support during this ’persecution.’ Indeed, the whole Democratic Party was unified in this attitude and they went to the mat for him. The recent election confirmes that there is a price to be paid by a political party for moral turpitude during times of crisis (war) in this country.

If you Democrats allow your party radicals in Iowa to select Ms. Clinton as your candidate in 2008, you can count on being out of the White House for another eight years. You likely could have won this past election with a Joe Liberman or Joe Biden. Thank You Iowa!!