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> Too many voting ’irregularities’ to be coincidence

8 November 2004, 10:35

Enough already! Am I the only person to take a 30+ year history of voting Republican and move my party affiliation to the Democratic camp? You may think so, but you would be incorrect.

There are a number of honorable men and women in the GOP that have either changed Party affiliation or stood up to say. "Enough Already!"

So before you continue bashing the DEMS for wanting an accounting, consider this. We as a country NEED to repair the system and restore credibility in not only the eyes of the world, but in the hearts of the individual voter in this country.

Have we as a nation become so lazy as to no longer be willing to take pencil to paper and make our voices heard?

Will we once again put off addressing the need to standardize voting procedures until some months before the election next time when it’s too late.

Will we adopt legislation to standardize the handling of absentee or provisional ballots so individual precincts don’t decide how to handle them?

Will we find it too inconvenient to push for legislation to deal with the disenfranchisement of voters? I certainly hope not.

I applaud the efforts of those individuals challenging the system here. Everyone will benefit.

Think of the future if you will. If we can restore a system of elections in this country that assure the voters their vote will count, and that the results of that election are incontrovertible, both sides will win.

It should be the desire of all parties to seek an election where no matter who won, their Administration could begin without the clouds of doubt and deception that harm us today.

If my candidate wins, I’ll know he won honorably. Then we all win.

Thanks for your time.

J.C. Rich