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> Growing Collection of Vote Fraud links: ATTN Global Media

8 November 2004, 03:54

Bev, I must cut-to-the-chase here. I am a Canadian. And I’m terrified of the USA. I’m under the impression that most of you in the U.S. want to bomb the f****** sh*t out of any country you can, including maybe at some point in time, my country (the U.S. needs our water, etc.). Scratch from the record my last sentence; our spineless wimpuppets in Ottawa would hand over Canada in a second. No need to bomb us!
I don’t know what to think of this faux election now. It could have been rigged, but perhaps most of the United Statesians wanted Lord Bush in power again: cheap gas, bigger SUVs and terrorist-free shopping in the suburban strip malls. I’m as confused as the other 30 million Canadians and god-knows-how-many sentient U.S.-ians. (not to mention the other 6 billion).
Again, my impression is that most United Statesians want to totally bomb the crap outta Iraq and then move on and bomb the hell outta whoever’s next (Iran maybe? Syria?). Please tell me I’m dead wrong about this. I want to believe that there are some of you who haven’t turned off your brains. I desperately want to believe that most of you DON’T support Lord Bush. I really would like to travel to your country again someday (no chance of that for now). Support independent media!