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> Open letter to Senator John Kerry

9 November 2004, 22:50

Dont you think if there was any hint of fraud going on in this election Kerry and Edwars would be all over it? They are both lawyers. No, if they had any reason to question the polls, they would have. America spoke loud and clear!!!!!!!!!!! We want a leader who has some backbone, does his job, takes a stand, and has morals. And this war is not unjust, and apparently there are enough "stupid" people in this country to put Bush back in office. I guess I am "stupid" also. All you liberals do is whine and complain. Get a life, a job so you can pay for your own things, and stop crying out FRAUD when you do not get your way. Oh and by the way, my husband and I are in our early 20s, we pay for our own college, we do not have health care because we cant afford it, and that is okay, and we have immediate family members in the military who have gone to Iraq, and we support Bush! Like I said before, liberals, get a life. Stop complaining.