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> We, the people demand the impeachment of George W Bush

26 November 2004, 21:12

Seems this site gets quite a few negative hits from the Right.
It’s amusing to note their basic insecurity.
Truth speaks for it’s self, and does not need to be defended with 4th grade level insults.

Now, this is what I have to add.....

Thursday, November 25, 2004


How Can the Progressive’s Take America Back?

First and foremost, we cannot sell out! So many aspects of the modern world that we ALL take for granted, blue state and red state alike, are the results of hard fought Progressive battles to bring about the things we all value most. Security, Opportunity, Liberty, Freedom!

For the progressives to take America back, we need to start leading again! When Americans think that many Democrat politicians have no backbone it’s because many Democrat politicians have no back bone! These Democrats in Washington that vote with the Conservatives and hand out another tax give away to the rich and to these so called Faith based initiatives in the face of rising national debt. These Democrats that do little about asking the hard questions, holding all of the Presidents men to account about the reasons we performed a preemptive invasion of Iraq in which at this point over 1200 American lives have been sacrificed!

No! We Progressives must not sell out! We must begin to lead again in the same way that Clinton did, through inspiration, hope and optimism for the future, and the promise of Security, Opportunity, Liberty and Freedom!
Reframe the question. Reframe the values. Reframe the bullshit!

My Progressive Party WILL spell out the history of the progressive party, then from that we will very clearly spell out what our core values are! Then the work begins. In every speech spoken, every article written, every accusation stated, every ear turned, every eye opened, the progressives will continually refer to and build upon these lines of our basic core values! We will not sell out, or shift party values in an attempt to please some hidden disenfranchised voter. No, We will stand like the Statue of Liberty inviting all to come and feel the warmth of America! The light held high.

THIS IS WHO I AM! If I am good, if I am righteous, if my values are those that have changed the social fabric of the world over the past 200 years, this will be self evident. I will believe in myself and those values without ego, and all will be welcome to join me in their own ways.

I will walk my talk. I will be of my own strength and confidence, and others will want to walk with me!

We are finished and done being reactionary to the Repugnicators!
We are the Proactive Progressives!!


