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> Mainstream media loses all credibility in attempting to cover vote fraud

17 November 2004, 18:09

The Reich Whine knows there is no "Liberal bias" in the media. What they mean by "Liberal bias" is _fact_. If the facts are not to their liking, they label the facts "Liberal bias".

Their aim is to create an atmosphere in which everything is relative, so that facts which refute their lies are devalued to "opinion". And thus their lies are elevated to "point of view" — as if they have legitimacy.

They are the ultimate in leveling dumbing-downers: they want you to believe that an uninformed opinion is the equal not only of informed opinion but also of fact.

That’s how propaganda works, and how they pollute the intellectual environment and political discourse with their facsicst anti-democratic poison.

Being aware of those facts makes their nonsensical assertions of blatant fictions as lies as if instead fact and truth clear: they intend for their lies and fictions to supplant reality and reason. That’s why Bushit’s world view is upside down: white is black, black is white, lie is truth, truth is lie.

Thus we get the utterly unfounded wingnut assertion that the mainstream media made up stories so Bushit would lose, when in fact the media has made every effort to avoid even the most blatant of questions about Bushit: where was he when he went "missing" — AWOL long enough to have deserted — from his military obligations? And why the same media spent weeks reporting the Swift Lying Lying Liars for Bushit lies, without asking whether those lies were true or false: because most mainstream "journalists" are as arrogant, insulated, and elitist as Bushit, and resent anyone, such as Kerry, thinking they might be good enough to play on the same level aw they.

Recall Jennings disturbance when the cameras briefly caught the anti-Bushit demonstrations in DC on 1/21/2001? Why was he disturbed by that reality? Because it didn’t fit with his fictional presentation of "reality" in America. The wingnuts were disturbed by that reality also, because their enemy is truth and reality. Tell the truth to their faces and they crumbe to dust like vampires in sunlight.