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> Mainstream media loses all credibility in attempting to cover vote fraud

22 November 2004, 00:17

Right on Milton and you others who say boycott the liars and pass it on...hit them where they live, don’t subscribe to their yellow press and don’t support the people who advertise on it...I signed up for satelite dish service from Canada, and even though they have US stations too, I never watch them, and I feel good knowing that my money isn’t going directly for US bullshit. There is a boycott of shopping for the holidays starting and it is a good time to reconsider supporting Wal-mart and the other exploiters of the world...just say no to exploitation in the name of Christmas spirit. Lets make 2004 the year we stayed away from the corporate wasting of the planet...let’s all work to make it the poorest shopping numbers on record...take back our country in the ways it is possible...to hell with consumerism and the politics of big corporate contributions to the evil doers in Washington.