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> Why Did John Kerry Abandon His Crew (US!) in Battle?

17 November 2004, 08:58

this was a great plan devised by the NWO goons and the evil zionists to pitch a fellow bonesman against another bonesman unbeknownst to millions of poor suckers of american citizenry who thought they were partaking in fair elections

It was all planned by the evil empire and then the stooge bonesman was ordered to shut up and put up. The American people have been had by the biggest evil plan of the century and a devious hijacking of the best democracies of the world.

Only the Lord can save us now. I sincerely pray for our country. Hitler also rose to power under similiar conditions much to the destruction of the world and millions dead, This evil man is taking America towards similliar conclusions and the world to doomsday like conditions, O Lord please have pity and us and save us from this evil person in the black house of doom.