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Exactly ! We need to bring the possibility of a stolen primary to the surface

17 November 2004, 18:21

Kerry has exposed himself to be a fool- still sitting on $51 million while Cobb and Badnarik raise funds for the recount. Why didn’t Kerry spend that money trying to win? !!

Kerry did not win the primaries thanks to his great speaking style (gag-me) - it’s entirely possible that they were rigged as well. We need to have a new primary with real debates, not about ’electability’ and other bogus issues chosen by the likes of Dan Rather and Elizabeth Bumiller.

After this stolen election is fully exposed, we’ll need a whole new election anyway because all of the house and senate races could have been fixed, as well as important initiatives in each state like the casinos in Miami, proportional representation in Colorado, and the decriminalize marijuana bill in Alaska. The mob wants those casinos, the mob wants to keep marijuana illegal.... why wouldn’t they take advantage of this new easy-rig election system they’ve set up?