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> Back Box voting investigators catch election officials red handed-Volusia County on lockdown

17 November 2004, 19:13

Dean was planted to take the wind out the anti-war crowd. He was a set-up to distract from the real anti-war candidate Dennis Kucinich, who speaks for the true majority who want peace, sanity and protection from the corporations who have taken over our country.

I do believe the primary election was stolen as well. There were lots of reported problems in California to the extent diebold was supposed to be decertified, not sure if it was.

Does anyone really think John Kerry was the best we had to offer? Why did he focus on himself and his vietnam war record at the convention? It sure seemed that the repubs capitalized on that immediately afterward and he let them. Why couldn’t anyone talk about Bush or the war at the democratic convention? Why did he let him cheat in the debates? He even tried to make W look good in the debate...he’s a good Dad uh huh....It sure seems like John Kerry is on the side of Bush, not the American people, he certainly is not giving the democrats a good name.

Thank God for third parties who still give a damn about our democracy