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> Margaret Hassan’s suspected execution will be seen as ’proof’ of evil

19 November 2004, 05:17

it is brave of robert fisk to allude to this awful possibility. intuitively, i believe it is possible in the horror of lies and gross human rights abuses that is iraq now.

if only it were possible to prove this now one way or the other.

australian prime minister john howard initially told the australian parliamwent that margaret hassan’s body had been recovered in fallujah. only later did he correct himself to say her body had not been found.

a simple mistake ? perhaps. or a late change of scenario which howard had not been briefed on when he spoke?

whose dismembered headless body of a European woman was it that was initially reported as found in fallujah? where is that body now? who is conducting DNA tests on it to establish who it was? was it margaret hassan? was it the missing polish woman ? who left this body to be found in fallujah ?

my work on the sinking of siev x has taught me to look for the little mistakes.

tony kevin