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> Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War

21 November 2004, 02:21

Is the President of the US is making the American look bad?If the US government is doing something evil in Iraq,the American military is bound to lose the trust of Iraqi people.I pray in Jesus name for the Bush to do the right thing.Give the people of Iraq their freedom.Right now I begin to see Iraqi people are fighting in the name of freedom not against terrorism.People are beginning to see that the government create terrorist agenda as a mean to invade Fallujah and other area in Iraq.This terrorist agenda is created in order to take away the freedom of Iraqi people.This terrorist agenda like the Sept. 11 attack in US is also being use to take the freedom of American people.The less freedom we have,the more evil the government.Let us all pray that the evil plan of the government to fail.Let all pray for justice to be serve against those who commit crime in the name of fake terrorist in Jesus name.