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A double standard which boosts the U.S. vote fraud argument:

22 November 2004, 21:09

You have touched on every single issue that needs to be addressed on this extremely important issue of possible widespread vote fraud in the U.S. 2004 election.

Now we have some additional ammunition to our argument!!!!!


"...One poll, conducted by anonymous questionnaires under a program funded by several Western governments, including the United States, said Western-leaning reformer Viktor Yushchenko had collected 54 percent of the vote and Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych trailed with 43 percent..."

 By Aleksandar Vasovic, AP - November 22, 2004

O.K., so the exit polling discrepancy in the U.S. is due to flaws with the exit polling (which has not been proven at all to be the case). However, in the Ukraine, exit polling is significant proof that the election is a fraud.

I think this double-standard in relying on exit polls should provide a boost for the vote-fraud investigation in America. At the very least, it should put pressure on the U.S. election officials (et al.) to provide more evidence to back up their theory that the exit polls are flawed.

After all, it’s hard to believe that the exit polling in the Ukraine is more reliable than that in the United States, is it not?