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> The Resounding Silence Continues. How Much is Enough for the Media to Cover Votergate 2004?

24 November 2004, 20:26

I’d love to agree that the Amurrican people deserve better, but I’m beginning to seriously doubt that. We are lazy and uninterested in participatory government, and that’s our own fault. We have accepted the pablum and now are addicted to it. We want someone else to do something about it. Half the population doesn’t even vote, and we fought and died inventing and saving constitutional democracy. Talk about irony. We have met the enemy, and it is us. You get the government you deserve. Cliches and ironies abound. There is solid journalism everywhere, but in this topsy turvy ratings driven society, you have to dig for it. And if it isn’t in the mass media, well, then, sir, you must be a radical, some kind of nutty conspiracist, or worse, a Liberal! My worst lament is this, Mother Nature deserves better, children deserve better, the poor and disenfranchised deserve better. We need to be specific. There’s no hope if we talk in vaguaries. We need facts. Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving everyone!