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> The Resounding Silence Continues. How Much is Enough for the Media to Cover Votergate 2004?

24 November 2004, 23:44

No, John Kerry says nothing because he is intelligent enough to know that if he pushes the recount cause as front man for the Democratic party, Bush and the media machine he has in his back pocket will ruin the Democratic party. Forever label them as whining sore losers who don’t play fair, and try to manipulate the democratic process to their own ends (how ironic is that?).

The media in this country don’t cover this issue because not doing so is financially in their best interests. They made over half a billion dollars in this election, taking ad dollars from both sides. The Republicans support and are supported by the conglomerates which own the media, while these same media maintain the fiction of free elections, so that they can continue to create "closely contested" races which maximize their take in advertising dollars. It’s just a way for them to suck up dollars from the opposition party while knowing all along it doesn’t have a chance in hell, because the outcome is already fixed. We have to push NOW for serious fundamental change in our governmental processes, because the time is almost past for sitting on our hands. If we wait, it will be too late. The next election (if there is one - I have serious doubts) will not fix things, it will only solidify the usurpers in power even more, because there will be ten times as many electronic machines available with which to rig the election.