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How the Ohio election was rigged for Bush

7 April 2007, 19:30

The thing Citizens MUST have in order to ensure nobody cheats (and people WILL cheat especially when the stakes are so high) is to have an ABSOLUTELY transparent process. When you have sealed machines , that the citizens have no way of knowing if the results were fair, you’re asking for trouble. A simple process, that gives the voter a paper copy of the vote, also with a number, that can be used to access a secure data base for the Citzens confirmation that the vote was recorded accurately would be easy enough to implement, and make our voting process much more trust-worthy. Remember you few people, who still for some reason, think Bush has done a good job, next time the same forces that installed Bush may install Hillary and your BADLY going to wish you had stood up to a secure voting process rather than simply being blindly partisan. I’m basically a Libertarian/3rd party kind of guy, and I remain in awe that anyone of ANY persuasion can back Bush, but whatever if you still think he’s directing our country well, more power to you, but you are in a REAL minority now. Hillary will never get my vote either, I’m waiting to see how Ron Paul does in expressing his thoughts for the country, and though I’m not a Democrat I like Dennis Kucinnich’s seeming stand on Civil Liberties. If Hillary get’s SELECTED I’m very concerned for the direction of our country, just as much as I am if Mcaine get’s selected. I don’t see that either of these candidates have any abilty to be anything other than pawns for the NWO Agenda. I’ve heard Costa Rica or Panama are not bad places to retire!!!