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> How the Ohio election was rigged for Bush

2 December 2004, 06:12

You are very imaginative, but it turns out that you are just like a liberal amking no sense at all. In Ohio, the election board consists of equal numbers of democrates and Republicans. More than that, the county in questions, Franklin county, the chairman of Democratic county (Anthony) is also chairman off election board. Anthony evensaid to Columbus Dispatch: ( I am a black man also democrate, how would I sit there to do that thing to disenfranchize my community (people) to vote). This is the same situation in Hamilton County, Montgomery county. The election Business of Cuyahoga County was even done in a democratic party office These democrates already denied accusations you talked about from their fellow democrates. Are you suggesting that the Democrates want Bush to win also. Then, you start a new party, preferrably called ABB party (anybody but Bush).