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> Special Report : Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election

30 November 2004, 12:40

More proof? LOL...when the washington post reports, it’s true...but not wayne. Unreal.

You want to peel another layer off the onion?

Connect Diebold with Saudi Arabia too...you’ve got diebold securing the bid for all the ATM’s in Saudi Arabia...look, up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane...it’s another coincidence theory. Then take James Bath’s little dealings passing money back and forth, using saudi’s and then connections with Lay & Bush...then take into account that the FBI offices in the WTC were housing many government investigations into white collar crime...including Enron...and John O’neill who was the US counter-terrorism guy, "i want bin laden"...well he resigned because bush was blocking his investigations into the saudis...so guess where he ended up getting a job? The WTC. You could ask him yourself, but he’s dead now, about a week after getting the job. Guess who got him the job?...I’ll let you sherlock holmes types have a little fun on your own.

Let’s put it this way, if you or someone your trying to convince, can’t see that, at the very least, there is major conflict of interest having a president:

1)Grandfather was involved with a bank that got busted for trading under the enemy act
2)GBI head of the CIA during one of the worst periods of US foreign/domestic policy
3)GBI loose connections everywhere with Iran/Contra
4)GBII investigated by the SEC for corporate fraud
5)GBII and his close connections to Saudis, Lay, gold, and the military industrial complex
6)GBII and his TIGHT connections with CEO of Diebold
7)GBII and his TIGHT connections with Oil
8)GBII and his TIGHT connections with everyone who $benefits$ from a terror war(and 9/11, including bin laden, the CIA assett)

....then you probably have something to do with it, gain to benefit from the death of 3,000 people in NY, or your just scared, because your not looking for an independent FULL investigation or accountability for those failures...

There are more of us then them, they know that, they are the ones scared. Anything to divert your attention from that fact...serves the purpose of keeping you complacent. Soft programming.

Expose 9/11 with thousands of other researchers...and you’ll get to the heart of the beast.
