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> John Kerry: Pull Us from the Water

2 December 2004, 19:35

We didn’t beat nixon, these are the youngbloods from his old crew. Duh.

We didn’t beat hitler or mussolini(true fascism), fascism is alive and well, especially in america.

a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti/neo-cons) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

Mussolini also said, that fascism should be called corporatism, because it’s the merger of government and corporations...so Hitler may be dead, but his dream(or mussolini’s) lives on. We didn’t beat $hit.

Stalin? What are you talking about, the fall of the berlin wall? That was under Gorbachev, remember perestroika or "restructuring". So are you talking about him on his death bed? There was no "beating" him there, kruschev came in and kept going. In fact, if you don’t recall, it was Stalin that helped us "beat", as you say, hitler. Furthermore, it was americans that he felt, stabbed him in the back. Hey, we had nukes, so step off our fascism.

Whose nader?

I want jesus in 2008, I want roe v. wade overturned so the apathetic liberals that think hope is on the way, will get it through their thick heads...IT IS NOT ON THE WAY. You just want to go back to sleep.

Oh yeah, I remember clinton...let’s see...WACO, Oklahoma, WTC93, Elian, bosnia, yeah, I remember that CFR member, he was part of the problem(you were just asleep). Republicans pushed the blue dress...democrats pushed.....oh that’s right, they can’t even bring a guy down for war crimes...well, that would mean they would go to jail too right? At least the ones who were for it before they were against it.

So you see, be careful what you wish for, unless you want to fight more sensitive wars...are you kidding me?

There is a power struggle between two corrupt parties, they will both keep the big lie. What the democrats are trying to figure out now, is how they pretend to get involved, but still make sure bush is the winner, so hillary can run in 2008. Meanwhile, their surrogates will claim anything, except truth. "Your a nader lover"...you sound just like a neo-con who says, "you must be a liberal". Start thinking for yourself, for once in your life.

Maybe you want to tell me about kerry’s BCCI investigation, well maybe I should tell you that he stopped halfway because that would mean taking down a bones brother...did you even research this guy at all? Like a good soldier, he takes his orders from his masters.

"but he protested the vietnam war"...ever hear of cointel?

"But if we get him in, then we can all go back to sleep, like the glorious 90’s of Clinton."

Don’t worry, your already being setup.

"it’s who counts the vote"...listen to yourself...so if the democrats count it will be fair? LOL

Your right, the election is first, not so we can have kerry, we need a RE-VOTE, then see how well your team does. Nader? Man, you really don’t do any research at all do you. The guy got less votes then all the other major third party candidates. Are you stuck in the nader vs. kerry debate that "the nation" keeps telling you about? We need fresh faces, new ideas, a counter-culture, if not, we ARE the fascists that the world keeps telling us we are. You want soft fascism, that’s all, you want the sensitive wars, you want more effective wars on terror. How about an effective war on heart attacks, because you have a bigger chance of dying of that, then terrorism, silly rabbit.

So, we’re both on the same page with the election right? So do you think the primary was legit using the same systems? You see the house cards and how it can fall if one person steps out of line. Dean was the guy, everyone knows that, from 1st place to 3rd? How about the microphone dean was using for the scream, do you hear the crowd in the background...do you hear them screaming too...no, because he was using a mic that isolated his voice, that wasn’t the same mic that was there earlier in the day, and then the media smeared him. The same media that you were crying about for kerry. Awake yet?

So, if we have fraud here, we have to go back to the primaries, but wait, what about good ol’ gore, shouldn’t we go back there too? Well, we wouldn’t have to, if just ONE democrat stood up for the black caucus to contest 2000.

Did you know it was the democrats that introduced the draft bill? do you see the games their playing with your head, it’s clever psych ops, nothing more.

Insanity is repeating the same mistake over and over, and expecting differen’t results. I don’t care who you support, just please try to step outside of the box after your done crying and join us in the fight to take back our country from the globalist cartel of elite black nobility. Look it up, instead of theorizing I’m a nader supporter. I can see this for myself, and I saw it before nader was even running for president. I woke up under the first Bush Regime. You would be wise to stop listening to the left gate keepers like corn, goodman, and anyone else that distracts you with politics over liberty.

I take it you have never read George Washington’s farewell speech...of course not, because that would mean your an American...not a democrat. Check the books pal, read how many of our president’s warned us for decades, even for a century that this would happen...but no, we didn’t listen...we listened to the democrats and others listened to the republicans. Did you know that your party, in collusion with the republicans took over the CPD?

Escape those chains man, resist, don’t PICK one or the other, you can be free, you can think for yourself...you don’t have to be one or the other...you could try being an american and drop the facade of cognitive dissonance.
