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> John Kerry: Pull Us from the Water

2 December 2004, 21:19

I agree with you on Waco but that is about it. I believe Reno made a huge mistake there. I do not believe people set themselves on fire. We had good intentions in Bosnia and we won. Europe, the United Nations, Ireland all loved us. Unemployment was down, gas prices were down, fewer terrorism events (do the math). So yes, I believe Clinton was a far superior president than you seem to believe. People play politics but we can minimize death and destruction. I bet on the leaders who seem to be able to mimimize the losses. I’d like Sharpton in there but I am REALISTIC. I am not a fan of globalization and support constraints. People gotta eat, though. I am pro-eating.

We all work for Halliburton right now. America is one big oil company. If Kerry and Edwards were in power that would change: The minimum wage would be raised, unemployment would go down, prescription drug prices controlled, we would get our money’s worth for this war (since we are stealing their oil, you’d think prices would come down). We would save social security, Alaska wilderness, air, water, universe.

Bush wants high unemployment to keep his "volunteer" army. His violence never solved anything, nor will your rhetoric. Your voting record does not concern me. If you read John Edward’s Four Trials you would know he is a GREAT MAN. He really does fight for those less fortunate. The world would love us once again. That is better than the road you are taking us down. In fact, if Kerry and Edwrads were running the show you might be feeling a little better about things and not jumping on me for REALLY caring. Show you care. That is leadership.