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> Let’s smoke the vote manipulator(s) out of their caves (Essay)

9 December 2004, 19:38

I, for one, have not trusted the current voting system in America, it is qrossly antiquated .. since the first televised election we have been
"influenced" by the television count. people want to be like other people more than they want to be themselves. "Gee, i’ve gotta get that
car, because my neigbor has one.", or, "my neighbor painted his house, I must paint mine.", or "I really like candidate B, but my neighbor
is voting for candidate A...what would he think of me if he knew I voted for candidate B"!

People want to be on the side that is winning, by publishing the vote tallies makes people change the way they may have voted...because they want to be on the "winning" side (even if the loosing side is a better choice), the wrong decission may be made just because of having
to be on the "winnig side".

Other things happen also, remember when Jimmy Carter conceeded when the people on the west coast had NOT even closed the polls
and Hawaii had no more than opened theirs. This is very unfair.

One thing that would make it more fair is to not release ANY RESULTS UNTIL THE LAST POLL IS CLOSED! (not even to the candidates)

The elrctoral college vote is also archaic, and needs to be revised, if not eliminated!

This way the chances of manipulating the vote would be reduced, even by sophisticated vote switching software. Perhaps even abandon
an electronic count system all together. Inauguration takes place in Janurary. That is three months, and as far as I can see, if it were
necessary to take two months to count Xmillion pen and paper votes...it would be more fair to everyone concerned. Take the vote of the
people out of the hands of the polititions and put it back in the hands of the people NOW!

Here is my ultimate solution: Because there is an age and in some cases a born citizenship required for political offices, and career
politicions are actually unconstitunal..... just put every elegible name on ping pong balls and put them in a lottery machine......poof!
Guess what Joe or Joelette, it’s your turn!

That, my friends, silly as it may sound, would be more fair than any election in at least the last 45 years!