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> Homeless Iraq vets showing up at shelters

16 December 2004, 05:29

Does anyone have an answer?
I am a veteran of the American war in Vietnam.
I was a medic and have been been dealing with PTSD ever since.
I oppose the war in Iraq.
I oppose the commander and chief.
I am torn.
I read stories about the soldiers coming home with problems.
I feel sorry for the soldiers and their traumas.
I can’t fully support our troops.
I canceled my life time membership to the VFW.
I am fed-up with the veterans who don’t want to say no to the Iraq war.
I have been going to the local VA hospital for the past 15 years.
I have made progress over the past decade.
I was starting to feel better about my self.
Then this damn war came along.
I tried to put things into perspective.
I knew the war would be a mess.
I wrote letters to the editor,
I wrote poems.
I joined vet groups that opposed war.
I voted for the loser.
But it didn’t mean anything.
The war continues.
The troops continue to die and get wounded.
I talked with my shrink at the VA.
I became very sad and tears came to my eyes.
I want to cry everyday.
I am mad we are once again creating disabled veterans.
I am sad because no one listens to those of us who have been disabled by war.
I am mad I can do nothing to stop the chaos.
I want to send my mind to some mental woods.
What Do I Do?
My shrink and I will grow old together.
There are no answers.
Just radical acceptance of reality.
It’s not satisfying to the soul.

Tim Connelly
a veteran of the lost war