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> Homeless Iraq vets showing up at shelters

20 December 2004, 07:31

America has a volunteer army. I do not weep for people who volunteer to kill others. When the draft does occur again in this country, then the mourning can truly begin. The masses never take hold of the fact that the masses are expendable. It does not matter if it is by the orders of an ultra nationalist facista or a globalist one world banker, the blood will be spilled to protect the lives of those who lead. Since I live in the land that supposedly has in residence the leader of the free world, I must fulfill my Patriotic part to support our troops as they foolishy sacrifice their lives for my convenience.

"Shut up you miserable volunteers, and go get my oil! I don’t want to see $3/gallon gas until we have sent all the 12th graders that can hold a gun to the Middle East!"