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> The Rise of the Amerikan Nazis. Part I of III: Birth of Despotism

17 April 2006, 16:28

I read an old issue of Adolf Hitlers political goals that appeared in a pre-Nazi Germany newspaper
and there were several points from planned parenthood to subsidized housing to community family nutured gardens and even sterilization of promscuous young women, which during the aftermath of WW2 all of these agendas became at the top of the list of most Liberal States in Americ(k)a.

If only the college students and legislatures and judges and special interest social reform groups had only read Adolfs proposal for a better Germany, maybe they would not have been in such a hurry in the second half of the 20th century to carry on his unfinished work so zealously.

On a sad note many Jewish International Bankers it is often said sacrificed many of their own kind on the altar of sacrifice to gain global support for WW2 ,so they could make money off both sides and thus finally emasse enough funds to seal the New World Order Deal.

Don’t worry about the microchips. Those darn things are self implanting and you cant see them unless you have a microscope. The FDA more than likely already approved it , without noticing and its probably in the entire global food system and water system.

And please don’t be afraid about Aliens showing up, only be afraid if THEY DO NOT! LOL:)