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> Our Beautiful Horns (Op-Ed)

15 December 2004, 22:59

Robin, it’s ok. It’s a corp. lap dog with a fist stuffed.

Probably someone from Qorvis(raided by the fbi this week), weber-shandwick, or maybe dezenhall resources. These are fascist PR firms that have an army of trolls or wannabees, that just go out and do damage control. For instance:

Dezenhall Resources, formerly known as Nichols-Dezenhall, is a PR company whose trademark is its "aggressive" campaigns to counter community activist groups.

Weber-shandwick went into high gear less then 24 hours after 9/11, doing PR work for Saudi Arabia...go figure huh?

The weber family has a long history of dirty dealings and political activism, much like the brownshirts. If these trolls are not them, it’s just people who’ve been duped by them and now feel stupid. So rather then fess up, they will hold on untill the end. We still have people that think we "lost" vietnam because of the hippies...LOL

My grandmother still loves mussolini, "he built so many roads and loved the people". Try saying anything bad, she puts her fingers in her ears, "la, la, la,"

It’s good though, let’s get more here, make the site more popular. *waves* thanks for the free publicity Qorvis!
