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> Notice of revocation of independence

16 December 2004, 02:29

Those leftists are writing even sillier texts in order to vent up their frustration since they have been disaproved by the majority they always pretended to represent.

Like the soviets, they always claimed to represent the people, in fact they only represent themselves.
They can’t stand people who contradict them. Communist countries used to use concentration camps and tanks against people who didn’t thought correctly. 100 millions people died this way.

Usually, leftists are arrogant and spend their time telling us what to do and what to think, but today, they become so enraged, that some of them want to overthrow bush.
Of course, here this text is a joke, but other texts in bellaciao were written in a more serious tone.

Recently, two "politically incorrect" Dutchmen were assassinated because of their opinions against Islamism among other things: politician Pim Fortuyn by a leftist, and film-maker theo Van Gogh (a descent of the famous painter) by an islamist.

If I was bush, I would be very careful against assassination attempts.