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> Notice of revocation of independence

16 December 2004, 21:50

Buggery does seem to rank high on your wish list.This is not unusual ,I suppose, in a country renowned for raping much of the world.Be not anxious to be a slave master.You tried it before and it got you into so much difficulty you had to have the odd Klansman out and about to do a little lynching.How does the song go, "Strange fruit haning from ---"? A country that sees fit to do such things and to elect Shrub is no leader of people.Your national debt means you own far less than you think,if you do think.Remember that before anyone can respect you or your words,they must first respect your intelligence.Your words are worth very little.Did you notice the Star Wars interceptor rocket failed to get off the launch pad?Again America can,t get it up.