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> Ohio recount- Cuyahoga County ballots pre-sorted

20 December 2004, 18:35

The Republicans have nothing to worry about. So far the election process and recount have shown that the Green Party and its conspiracy theory black helicopter supporters are only spreading rumors across the net about the election. The first stage after your candidate loses is denial which you guys are clearly in this stage, hopefully you will eventually be able to move on. Here are a few numbers that might be able to help you out and a little advice…

Factoid One
Ohio 3% Recount – 87 Counties completed out of 88 (hand counts only)
Bush 87
Kerry 0
Green Party 0 (Sad thing still did not pick up any votes even with chads falling out)

Factoid Two
Conspiracy theories never prevail over the FACTS

Factoid Three
You cannot expect sitting on your butt and doing nothing, expecting the federal gov’t to provide you a handout will get you anywhere in life. The taxpayers of Ohio say “Stay the crap out of our state, and go back to Oregon were you all belong and conspiracy theories are actually a job.”