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> Electors across US break traditional pro forma ritual to use electoral college to protest election

19 December 2004, 00:43

the 2004 unelection in the USA is a strong example of RACISM ... all citizens owe it to the entire people of color population to protest the entire election and demand not simply an investigation and re count ... but a re vote as soon as we get complete transparency in the vote

skull and bones love secrecy ... remember that all this anti life stuff can only happen in secrecy ... and we are either in a democracy or we aren’t ... secrecy does not fit in a democracy

lies only rule when a culture of secrecy is tolerated ... by an uninformed electorate ... who do not even know the extent of the lies because of tolerating the secrecy ... a cat chasing it’s tail ...

so no more secrete societies running candidates ... no more secrecy !