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20 December 2004, 19:10

What’s the point of doing that? The opposition to Dubya has repeated the BUSHITLER mantra so often that reasonable discourse has given way to incessant hatemongering.

Never mind that the Iraq war has divided groups into either being part of the solution or part of the problem. Never mind that if it were an imperialistic "blood for oil" battle the USA would have invaded Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela, and Canada just for grins. Never mind that it’s been a goal of the Islamofascist fundamentalists since the Carter administration to defeat the West and install a caliphate in its place. Never mind that 32 nations have contributed to the effort to stabilize Iraq following Saddam’s removal from power, it was a "unilateral" invasion. Never mind that the UN is a corrupt, impotent and Socialist world body not the slightest bit interested in human rights or democracy, the USA is an imperialist hegemony only concerned with feeding its capitalist maw. Never mind that Clinton during his eight years in office scaled back the defense budget and personnel to draconian levels, and penned authorization to use force in Iraq to bring Saddam into compliance with UNSC resolutions - the war was revenge for making assassination attempts at Poppa Bush and to steal their oil.

Just never mind. Beating you frothing moonbats over the head with the facts won’t make you change your minds.