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> Karl Rove tabulates own results election night- has network of contacts down to precinct level

24 December 2004, 05:48

What you call anti american is questioning an illegal election. What if the democrats had won under suspicious circusmstance, would you be searching for the truth or delcaring anti american anyone who did. Isn’t it interesting that Rove could have a worker in a precinct that could tabulate votes better than the cable news networks could. And I guess he must have had workers at all the Democrat precrincts too. Workers to keep the machines away and to challenge the people who were trying to vote. Or maybe just to keep them in the rain for 10 hours, because they could not break machines out of storage.
Don’t know a thing about politics, and you do. I guess you have never heard of corruption in politics before. I guess you have never heard of stolen elections before. I guess it is only bad when it happens in Unraine.
Refining my policies, oh dear, how refined can you get but to search for the truth, no matter where it may lie. I find it amusing that you referred to his plan as flawless, the perfect crime perhaps. Type in a google search " Karl Rove Scandal" see what you come up with, thousands of sites exposing Karl Rove for the kind of man he really is.
I will end by saying I guess you mean to be American is not to question. Is that the kind of America you want.
And maybe "we" will not win an election until we get rid of the controllers of the machines or until we come up with a flawless plan like your buddy.