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> Asia Earthquake kills +24,000 EXACTLY one year after Iran quake killed 26,000

5 January 2005, 07:54

The Technotronic era of manipulating the earth, atmosphere and human minds through electromagnetic radio frequencies is here now.
Technotronic freqencies also brought the 9/11 WTC towers down, not planes or inside exploses as many alleged. The fallen steel was hot enough to burn the soles off the shoes of the steel workers, 64 days after 9/11, and also in N.Y. Nov. weather. (CBS even news Nov. 2001). If the steel was red hot and no more fire, it would have been cool in one hour and much less. The evidence was shipped out of this country to India or some foreign country.

The alleged Asian earth quake was just more government terrorism. This is just the very beginning. The N.W.O. is at the top of the list. Any action is o.k. as long as it delivers the power.
Do not forget the goals of the N.W.O. is to totally rule worldwide. No one will be spared to put in place their N.W.O.

Population control, is big on the N.W.O. list also. Over FOUR+ BILLION people are scheduled to be killed over the next 10-20 years. If one is a "useless eater", it’s to deep six city.

Democracy is gone, actuall it never was, just mob control or big business controled.

Mind control is a very big item. Control of the media. Controled from the womb to the tomb.

Weather control is also a big item to hammer states or nations into line.