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> Secret Government Informants Posting On This Topic

1 January 2005, 22:07

Timothy McVeigh was from the USA.
Remember America is a big place made up of South and North Continents. The USA takes a small part geographically. MAybe they should be called USA’s (users) as that fits in the modus operandus. Of course all USA’s are not selfish individuals who are only concerned about there own welfare and that of their family. The world will not improve until Americans and USA’s and the rest of the world talks in terms of being a human. I hate USA’s rabbiting on about what good AMERICANS they are. The world is waitng for you to lead the humans. Not just the Americans. The USA IS the world power at present.
Of course there is an international group of greedy men whose daily decisions kill thousands but they will always be there regardless of which country is in charge. GW and his gang are just whore puppets and are no more than greedy little sand pit toddlers after all the toys they can. George Bush just doesn’t care about anyhting other than lining the pockets of the Bush and Croney Dynasty Inc.
Decisions made by the USA affect us all. The Earth only has finite resources.
Very amused by the OH SO CLEVER right winged thinkers who feel disputing or ridiculing ideas means they are no longer valid. Add science to your logics. It is you who should prove the theory wrong like the seismic man attempted to. With facts regarding the sesmic waves to look for. USEFUL information. Put your vitriol in your egotistical pipe and smoke it.
I have no idea if this story is correct but I have new things to look for.

Cheers to all.
I find all individuals capable of honest intelligence. It is groups that tend to be such idiots.