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> Secret Government Informants Posting On This Topic

4 January 2005, 15:37

"America" and "Americans" has long insinuated those from the United States of America...but, whatever. My question to those who say "The world is waiting for you to lead...", what more needs to be done by the USA??? We donate far and away the most money and resources to such global issues as AIDS, Cancer, famine, Multiple Sclerosis and terrorism. We have used our military to attempt to quell international conflicts in North Africa and the Balkans in recent years, and we won’t even mention WWII. We are one of the only places on earth that welcome foreigners into our country with open arms and gives them the opportunities they have to live here and to prosper here. We are nearly the only country to spend a considerable amount of money, effort and manpower in controlling drugs and the drug trafficking, not only in our own country, but abroad as well. We see problems in our economy, namely companies like Enron taking advantage of a bad system, and we fix that system, regardless of what damage it does to our economy. We do not tolerate blatant corruption. We take the step of annihilating global terrorism, knowing full well that there would be much to lose in terms of lives, money and public opinion. Now I ask you, what else can be done? A leader, by definition, is someone who takes the risk and sets the bar, so to speak. You can’t lead those who choose not to be lead, that’s the bottom line that consistently gets dropped from the headlines. What so many seem unwilling to accept is that this isn’t some elementary school lunch line where someone gets in front and everyone else falls into place behind them. Others need to follow examples, or, if nothing else, set some of their own. I see all too often complaicency in those very same groups who rail the loudest when things get rough. If others had taken a little initiative, thousands would not have died in the Sept. 11 tragedies, thousands would not have died in Bali, thousands would not have died in the aftermath of the Afghan and Iraq war. It is very easy to sit back and sling rocks, but is much more difficult to stand in the line of fire of those rocks and continue to look forward. If you call Bush and his "minions" selfish and you say he and his people are only interested with lining their own pockets, I’m sorry, but you are not looking at the realities of the situation. What has Bush gained by his actions? Where are these buckets of money he is accumulating? To what are you referring? You say that the right wing should look at the science or the facts, but all the while you are saying this, you are making baseless, factless, generic comments regurgitated by all Bush-haters.

Timothy McVeigh was from the USA. And he is now dead, via our capitol punishment system. You see, we punish our own here, if so necessary, equally (in fact, MORE harshly) than we punish foreigners. There are bad people from the USA, there are bad people in the US Military...people who abuse and embarass prisoners of war, people who murder innocent civilians....but it seems the US has become the world’s scapegoat. To this I say, in order to earn the right to question others, shouldn’t we first be forced to question ourselves?