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> Was Gary Webb ’Suicided’ To Kill New Book?

30 December 2004, 09:54

We are all at risk when we ignore stories like this. Stories about people who tried to enlighten us to the truth of what is being done to our fellow humans. Many people just like him disappear into nothingness and are never heard from again. This is not a movie! This just happened in Carmichael, California in December to a reporter, a man who has won awards for his work, is a regular guy, has a real family, and wanted to alert us all to the truth of how our government agencies work on behalf of the "rulers" in America, and others involved such as the Israeli government... How many more honorable and true American Patriots have to die? This is not a new practice, people all over the world have been "suicided" or murdered and then the scene gets staged to imply a suicide. This is done when someone has evidence to back up what they have to say, is too believable or credible with the public and the people they are exposing are too afraid their stories will be believed. Sometimes they just make people seem crazy with "conspiracy theory" disinformation and ruin their life and careers. Is this acceptable to you? It is not to me. I have seen stories which confirm this happens in Israel, America, Russia, and many other so-called Democracies! Are there any true democracies left? NO THERE ARE NOT. Look around and WAKE UP PEOPLE. Our government/military in Iraq has Medical teams taking organs out of Iraqis bodies before they are dead! For money! Lots of it!

"Believe the common people before you believe the ruling class. Because the common people will not gain in telling the truth and the ruling class has too much to lose in telling the truth."

Pray for liberation from the game of duality. The only enemy we really have to fear is within.