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> An Open Letter to Senator John Kerry on Irregularities, Fraud, and Conspiracies

1 January 2005, 07:04

What can and must we democrat voters do??? We can and must refuse to vote in rigged elections, when no democrats receive any votes and there is only one party (even thou there are millions of registered democrats who do not show up at the polls or we show up with signs saying we will not participate in rigged elections) the whole concept of "democracy" will be gone in the US. This is the only voice we democrats have left since our democrat representatives have choosen to join the republican party anyway as they rubber stamp all of Bushco’s programs. The democrats need to be shown that without their voters, they will be history. They do not deserve our support, they do not support us and we need to send them a clear message...Fuck you and Fuck the horse you rode in on... you need us more than we need you, nothing in our lives will change while in your life you will be out of a job. Our first opportunity is less than 2 years away, and I look forward to the two years of telling the democrats, hey you lost my vote go look for another job. And I look forward to the rest of the world laughing at the US while it pretends to be a democracy of 1/4 of the eligible voters voting for one party.....then the game will be over.