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> A Republican With A Cause

31 December 2004, 05:43

Dear A Republican With A Cause,

I was a proud republican. But our President and his current gang got me ashamed of the Party that had wonderful values. Our President is headed in the wrong direction. Ignorant you are and ignorance is currently the strength of our party. Actually I wish you had an IQ over 100 but unfortunately I have serious doubts about it.

Does your high IQ answer any of the questions rationally:

Where are the WMDs in Iraq?
Why has Osama bin Laden not "smoked dead or alive"?
Why is the President still so soft on the Saudi royal family and Paki Dictator?
Do you know there was direct funding from the Saudis to Talibans to have the terrorist camps in Afganistan?
Do you know the saudis are paying money to the terrorists in Iraq when they kill our kids in Iraq?
Do know that the $100K wire transfer that came to Md Atta in Florida was wired by the former ISI chief Hamid Gul from Pakistan?
Did you ever read the 9/11 commission report’s executive summary? It is available on the internet.
Why did the President leave the unfinished business of exterminating Al Qaeda and direct resources to Iraq.
Do know that there was no link between the Al Qaeda and Iraq pre-9/11? (survey says most people in our party do)?
Do you know our kids in the armed forces are getting killed every day in Iraq because our President lied to you and me?
By keeping the wrong guy in the white house, people like you are doing more damage to our Party in the long run.

Wish the majority of Republicans had an IQ over 100 so the country could move in the right direction.

A Concerned Republican