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> Re-Vote Ohio

3 January 2005, 22:16

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

It’s all so stupid. Representational Democracy (as opposed to, say, Athenian Democracy) is not about personal freedom, or Capitalism, or any other wonderful ideal, It’s purely and simply about cutting down the bloodshed in politics. Essentially, it’s a way of allowing controlled, and bloodless, revolutions, about ensuring unpopular governments get thrown out without violence, and about allowing people the ability to overthrow a unsuccessful government (defined however you want) without having to take up arms. It serves no other purpose.

Hence the ancient joke about Democracy being noisier than dictatorship, but less bloody.

But for it to work, the process has to have at least the appearence of fairness Otherwise, the population decides it cannot change the government by voting, and turns to other, usually bloodier, methods.

And democracy actually works in the favour of the politicians, as it means that they can retire and live out their lives after falling from power (compare the situation of a "Western" post WWII politician against that in the Soviet - especially during and after Stalin - or a Chinese one post Mao). Look at America’s history. Your war against us (I’m British) was because many Americans at the time felt excluded from a say in the governance of their land. The politicains who were preaching rebellion won the argument for that reason, and that reason alone. If there had been a perception of control, the vast majority of people wouldn’t have followed the politicains, and the colonies would be a Dominion today.

Similarly in Britain itself. All the main steps to universal sufferage have arisen out of perceived unfairness in the power structure, and have been introduced to prevent those perceptions turning into open revolt. I suspect that something similar applies to the development of universal sufferage in the USA - though I admit to ingnorance as to the details of the process in the USA.

So why are the current mob over there trying tio subvert the process so openly. I don’t know. But I do know this. If it isn’t sorted out, and quickly, there is a distinct possibility that the next change in government but one will be a lot quieter. But far, far, far more bloody.

Allan Doodes
Oxford, UK