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> Dennis Kucinich was right on Iraq: The Occupation is a Failure

5 January 2005, 01:49

The commentator hit the nail on the head...it is regrettable the mainstream media chose not to report wisdom from Kucinich and other progressive leaders (who may or may not be within the framework of the Democratic Party). By accepting the limitations of the Democratic Party and their gutlessness in the face of the outright theft of the election, we doom our country to 4 more years of war, lies, and fiscal madness, which will result in untold human misery throughout the world. Am I mad? You bet I’m mad!

P.S. My Kucinich sticker is still on my car, and I have one in the window of my house as well. I hold out hope for leadership who embraces ideas of peace, justice, and freedom. Until, I keep telling myself: This too shall pass.